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The LDDA office will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27.

Downtown Longmont COVID-19 Safe Re-opening Business Grant

This grant closed on 9/30/20. Applications are no longer accepted. 

The Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) Board is offering Safe Re-opening Business Grants to locally-owned and operated businesses located within the LDDA boundaries. Our goal is to provide near-term financial relief for locally owned storefront businesses most impacted by COVID-19, with the priority for businesses that have frequent and/or close contact with customers.  

The LDDA Safe Re-opening Business Grant Fund fulfills the goals of the Downtown Longmont Master Plan of Development, in particular: 

    • Target incentives & tools to foster land uses needed to achieve a healthy balance of uses. 
    • Continue investment in incentives that contribute to a healthy supply and demand balance of retail space

Funding of up to $3,500 can be used to offset expenses incurred to reopen with safe re-opening business practices due to new COVID-19 regulations. Assistance will be in the form of reimbursement of eligible expenses that are directly related to reopening/continuing business while following local, state, and federal regulations related to COVID-19 public safety standards.  

LDDA staff will review applications for thoroughness and may follow up with any clarifying questions.

A committee of LDDA board and community members will review and provide recommendations to the LDDA Board of Directors. The LDDA Board of Directors has final decision-making authority. Submission of an application does not guarantee any amount of funding. Continued funding of this grant program is at the sole discretion of the DDA Board of Directors. Grant notification is anticipated by end of June.

Eligible safety supplies may be purchased ahead of time and will be reimbursed upon grant approval.  All reimbursements will need proof of purchase (receipts) for eligible items.   

To be eligible, businesses must be:

  • Located within LDDA boundaries
  • Retail, Restaurant and Bars, Craft Beverage, Personal Service Businesses
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Independently owned franchises are eligible.
  • In good standing with any City permits, licenses, fees or taxes as of April 1, 2020
  • Have been in operation since September 1, 2019 or earlier
  • Were forced to temporarily close, dramatically reduce operations or experienced a loss of revenue due to the Public Health orders related to the COVID-19 public health crisis 
  • Are required to have a significant level of PPE and other safety measures for reopening and/or are setting up new business practices, such as outdoor dining, touchless payment, reservation system
  • Have completed the City of Longmont Business Needs Assessment (*Note - you only need to complete this ONCE.  If you previously completed this from for the Strongmont Fund grant, no need to complete it again). Spanish version
  • Completed Cash Projections for Business Recovery (12 – 18 months)
    • See resources here (Download template and change first date to June 2020. It should update automatically. Save document as a pdf to upload)
    • The Small Business Development Center hosted a webinar, Understanding Your Cash Flow on June 10. Scroll to bottom and look for Part 12.
    • If you have trouble uploading the document, you can email it.

Funds can be used for:

  • Infrastructure, such as plexiglass
  • PPE equipment for employees, such as gloves or masks
  • Graphics, Signage or decals that help customers safely navigate their experience 
  • Health items such as thermometers, alcohol swabs
  • Enhanced technology that allows a business to keep its physical location, while making business more accessible, safe or touch-free (reservation systems, touchless pay, online ordering for curbside pick up) 
  • Equipment needed for outdoor dining or sales