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Downtown Business Owner Resources

Downtown business owners are the heart of our community and are eligible for certain Downtown initiatives and programs. Below is information on a number of these. 

Rules for Public Spaces

The LDDA developed Rules for Public Spaces for businesses and event organizers to follow when requesting to use a Downtown public space such as a breezeway, plaza, parking lot, etc. If interested in using a public space in Downtown, contact the LDDA at (303) 651-8484. 

Clean & Safe Information

Downtown Longmont’s partnership with the City of Longmont Public Works and Natural Resources (PWNR) and the Longmont Police Department (LPD) helps ensure a clean, safe and welcoming environment to all who live, work or visit downtown. Click here to visit the Clean & Safe page with information on maintenance, who to call, resources for people experiencing homelessness and more.

Dates to Remember

LDDA Board Meetings: 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. (320 Main St.)
Business Owner Meetings: 8:30 -10 a.m., 2nd Wed. in March and September (locations TBD)
Block Meetings:
600, 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 blocks of Downtown. Feb/March 2025 at 8:30 a.m. 

Business Snapshot for Website Directory

Please be sure we have a current Business Snapshot on file for your business and send us your logo. Check your business listing on our site. If you need to make changes to your listing or update your business photo(s), please email us. If your businesses is new to Downtown or does not have a listing on the website, please fill out this form and we will get it added. 

Block Captain Program

Block Captains are business or property owners, or managers/employees who volunteer to meet with the LDDA and communicate on a regular basis with other businesses on their block. They meet the second Wednesday each month to brainstorm, discuss current and future Downtown happenings, and share questions and concerns. To learn more about being a Block Captain, email Del Rae Heiser.

Marketing Program Initiatives

As we try to increase the outreach and awareness of Downtown Longmont, we need your help!

Business Updates: Please send us your good news or business updates so that we can include them in our Facebook posts and online newsletters!  It is simple to do. Send us any business updates or good news to Colin Argys.

Calendar of Events: There is a calendar of EVERYTHING happening in Downtown Longmont on our web site.  PLEASE be sure to add your events!

Business Improvement Incentives

The LDDA offers business and property owners several programs to support the maintenance and improvement of the historic buildings in our Downtown District. For more information and to download applications, visit our Incentive Programs page.