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The LDDA office will be closed July 4th & 5th in observance of Independence Day.

Release Date: May 6, 2015

Latino Chamber comes to downtown Longmont.


Boulder County ‐ The Latino Chamber of Boulder County (LCC) announces the opening of its first physical office
and invites the public to join in the celebration. After more than 13 years, the organization is able to have a
physical space where to hold meetings, classes, leadership development seminars and be a resource for the
community. The Grand Opening will coincide with Longmont’s May Artwalk event, which intentionally highlights
the chamber’s support for Arts & Culture and of which the Latino Chamber will partake.

The event will begin with a ribbon cutting ceremony followed by a presentation by the Chamber on its history,
continued by networking, food, music and more. Persons who want to start a business or current business
owners are encouraged to attend and learn what the chamber can do for them. This event will be open house
format and is intended to showcase the new space and the programs the Chamber will be conducting during the
year including Bilingual Business Classes in June, workshops during Longmont’s Startup Week, a young
professional entrepreneurship challenge with participation from SVVSD, BVSD, Front Range Community College,
CU Boulder, Google and the State of Colorado’s Minority Business Office amongst others.

Latino Chamber Office Grand Opening
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2015
Time: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 4:30pm)
Location: 332 Main St, Longmont, CO 80501
Cost: FREE

The Chamber invites its members to bring material they wish to pass down to the Latino community. In the
coming weeks the office will have containers where organizations can post their brochures and business cards.
The event is open to all persons and their families and light refreshments will be served. This event is made
possible thanks to a robust membership drive in the last 2 years as well as support from the major cities in

Boulder County.
Jose D. Beteta‐ President
The Latino Chamber