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The LDDA staff will be out of the office Wednesday and Thursday, April 2 - 3 for a conference. We will return to the office on Friday, April 4.

Social Emotional Circle Time for 3- to 5-year-olds

Category: Event Calendar

Dates and Times for this Past Event


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- Every Thursday in June and July
- For 3-5 year olds and their caregivers

Identifying and controlling big emotions can be hard, especially for young children! Kid Connects In the Neighborhood, a program through Mental Health Partners, will be partnering with the Longmont Library to provide a space for children and caregivers to learn how to identify big emotions and discuss ways to manage those feelings. This will be a fun interactive time for us all to explore and express our feelings!

No registration necessary and Spanish translation available.

About the Presenters: Wendy Giron and Natasha White are early childhood mental health workers who have received training in early childhood mental health and development. Both have experience working with young children.