Multimedia Collage Postcards: What Asks Us to Be Formed?
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Sunday, Feb 27, 2022 2pm - 3pm
Firehouse Art Center
667 4th Ave
Anni Albers writes, "How do we choose our specific material, our means of communication? Accidentally. Something speaks to us, a sound, a touch, hardness or softness, it catches us and asks us to be formed.” In this participatory craft seminar, we will discuss collage techniques, “our means of communication” and determine “what speaks to us” aesthetically. We will also create our own collage postcards.
* Some materials will be provided by the Firehouse, but participants should bring postcards to transform, as well as materials to cut-up for their collage (magazines, old photos, scrap paper…), scissors, tape, glue, and any other elements to add to their multimedia collage postcards (markers, paint, thread, fabric…).
Bio: Andrea Rexilius is a poet and collage artist residing in Denver, Colorado. She has published four books of poetry with Rescue Press, Letter Machine Editions, and Sidebrow Press. Her multimedia work is featured in Ghost Proposal, Inverted Syntax, Jubilat, and on the cover of an Angel Archers' cd.