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The LDDA staff will be out of the office Wednesday and Thursday, April 2 - 3 for a conference. We will return to the office on Friday, April 4.

The Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) has partnered with the Community Engagement, Design and Research Center (CEDaR) at CU Boulder to sponsor and develop a comprehensive survey regarding Downtown Longmont perceptions and future needs.

Take the Survey

The survey aims to help the LDDA /Longmont Creative District cater more effectively to the needs of its visitors, residents and businesses. It is available in English and Spanish from mid-September through the end of October. Anyone living in or around Longmont, or any visitors to the city, are welcome to participate. 

This survey covers a variety of topics including shopping and dining, Downtown events, and inquiries into possible improvements. Three of the participants in the survey will have the opportunity to win a Downtown Longmont Gift Card. The survey itself lasts five to ten minutes and can be taken on any mobile or tablet device with connection to the internet, accessed via a link or a QR code.