Winter Walkabout Music Showcase
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Presented by Flatirons Bank
18 Venues | 50+ Performances | 100+ Local Musicians | One All-Inclusive Ticket
We are looking for music lovin' volunteers to help at this music showcase event on Sat., Feb. 1, 2025! Please read below for all the important details, including the PERKS that come with volunteering. If this sounds like your gig, sign up today using the online form below. We'd love to have you be a part of this annual event!
For questions, e-mail ldda@longmontcolorado.gov or call 303-651-8484.
Important Information:
- You must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer for this event.
Event Highlights:
- One-Day, Multi-Venue Indoor Music Festival Throughout Downtown Longmont
- 15 Venues, 50+ Performances
- One All-Inclusive Ticket
- Event date: Sat., Feb. 1, 2025
- Event Time: 2 - 9:30pm
- Volunteers Needed between 12:00 noon – 9:30 p.m.
- Various shifts of around 4-5 hours will be available, based on duties and venue schedule.
- We will solidify each volunteer’s schedule & duties the week before the event. We hope to have at least 2 volunteers per venue per shift to allow for breaks to stretch your legs, grab some food or a non-alcoholic drink, etc.
Volunteer Perks:
- Free WWMS ticket ($45 value - attend any performances before and/or after your scheduled shift)
- Winter Walkabout 'Showcase Team' t-shirt, and commemorative pin-back button
- Volunteer Credential lanyard
- Green Room access - snacks, drinks, etc.
Volunteer Orientation - Mandatory (we'll consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis)
Monday, January 27, 2025 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. at LDDA Office (320 Main St.)
Receive details about exact assignment, location, shift time, important info and pick up t-shirt, map, schedule, etc. If you cannot attend, we will e-mail you the assignment and information, and you can pick up your volunteer credentials/materials on the day of the event.
Volunteer Duties:
Will vary based on your shift time, role, and which venue you’re at. Common duties may include:
- Assisting musicians with carrying equipment in and out of the venue
- Working with sound technician (if applicable) to keep show on-time and running smoothly
- Counting attendance (clicker provided)
- Checking for tickets before allowing entry
- Calling event coordinators with any issues or questions
- Briefly emcee, thank sponsors, introduce musicians on stage (if desired)
- Supervise musician lanyard/credential pickup (Green Room)
- Relieve other volunteers for breaks, ‘float’ to other venues if needed
- You should have a chair or place to sit at pretty much every venue, so you won’t be required to stand the entire time. There may be some lifting of potentially heavy/awkward items, but we will have roles that will not require lifting, if needed.
Plenty of street and public parking lot parking is available in the area. There are no time limits on the weekends, so you can park in any public parking space all day.
Thank you again for your interest and if you want to sign up, fill out this form.
For questions, please e-mail ldda@longmontcolorado.gov or call 303-651-8484.
Grab your ticket and head downtown for a day and night of what Longmont does best - live local music & good vibes!
Purchase Tickets The Details The FAQ's
The Lineup The Schedule Volunteer
Winter Walkabout Music Showcase Presented by Flatirons Bank